Home Mental Health For Parents About Hugrún



Mental health matters to everyone, and good mental health is essential for people to fully enjoy themselves. Good mental health does not involve constant happiness and joy, but it is about balance; to be able to experience both good and difficult feelings, to cope with adversity and to cope with the challenges of everyday life. People do not need to experience joy every day and all day long to have good mental health, but they should be able to feel good in general and experience positive and negative emotions.

We should not only consider mental health when we are feeling ill or when difficulties arise. Mental health, like physical health, is something that should be nurtured every day and it is important to get to know yourself and to know which conditions cause different feelings for each and every one. Factors that are generally important for mental health are, for example, sleep, exercise and diet, but great irregularities in these factors can have a significant adverse effect on our well-being. Other factors to keep in mind in relation to mental health are not being under too much stress or pressure, consumption of drugs, meeting friends, pursuing interests, taking time out for ourselves and many take advantage of tools such as meditation or mindfulness to nurture their own mental health.

All emotions are natural and are usually related to what is going on in our life. Joy, grief, anger, happiness, anxiety, love, sadness, sympathy and all other emotions are a natural part of being alive. Sometimes we dwell in emotions for a long time, but sometimes they only last a short time. Sometimes they have a great impact on how we behave, but sometimes they have little effect and we do not respond to them in any particular way. Some people have a great sensitivity to emotions and easily and often move between different emotions while others have less sensitivity. We usually always look for balance, where we feel pretty good or experience rather neutral feelings. We do not have to be afraid of difficult feelings or try to ignore them. They are usually normal and sometimes we have to allow them to exist in order for us to overcome them. Sometimes, difficult feelings last for an extraordinarily long period of time, become significantly burdensome or have a major impact on how people feel and behave. Furthermore, people may be struggling with psychological problems or mental disorders and so help should be sought. To better understand when feelings may become a problem, it is important to know the symptoms of mental disorders. Open discussion in our close environment and community about mental well-being can also increase understanding of what is normal and when there is a problem as well as reducing prejudice. It is important to talk openly about our own feelings, distress and any mental problems.